Here is the comparison of India funds vs. the BSE Sensex Index.
IIF vs BSE Sensex for the past one year:
IFN vs BSE Sensex for the past one year:
MINDX vs BSE Sensex for the past one year
ETGIX vs BSE Sensex for the past one year
Of the India funds available to US investors, MINDX has the best performance vs. the BSE Sensex Index. However the index itself has done significantly better than any of the mutual funds.
EEM vs BSE Sensex
For the sake of comparison, we compare EEM vs BSE Sensex, the red hot Indian index has done a lot better than the emerging market as a whole for the past one year. However, EEM may offer better prospects for this year as its main component, the Korean market didnt do very well in 2006.
EEM handily beat all the India funds with the exception of MINDX. As we have examined in this blog in the past, several publications indicate that Indian market is overheating. The Walstreet journal also carried an article to the same effect this weekend. In contrast, EEM's main component is Korea where the reduced tensions with north Korea bode well to the stock market. South Korea didnt do well in 2006 and given the world wide economic growth, the Korean stock market should do a lot better this year.
In the next article in this blog, we will look at China funds in more detail.
Do you own any Chinese stocks/Indian stocks? What would you suggest as good entry points into these markets?. Could you post your current portfolio or what you are thinking about getting into later this year ?
Keep up the great work..
I may publish my portfolio one of these days. The problem is I manage more than one portfolio.
Regarding if I own chinese/indian stocks - no I dont own individual stocks. I do own EEM/VWO which invests in these countries.
I wont get to these funds at these levels. It would take a significant correction ( >15% ) before I get in.
Thanks for the advice..did u buy walmart..seems like a it was ready to take off, we'll see. Any other recent buys ?.
May be you can try ICICI, Kotak, Anand rathi, etc. To my knowledge i would stay away from MINDX coz from what i know its main fund manager mr. shroff lacks ethics and crediblity. He was unprofeassional during the tenure with stanley.Can't really bank on him.
May be you can try ICICI, Kotak, Anand rathi, etc. To my knowledge i would stay away from MINDX coz from what i know its main fund manager mr. shroff lacks ethics and crediblity. He was unprofeassional during the tenure with stanley.Can't really bank on him.
I appreciate the blog and am involved in some of these funds as well. While MINDX is following the BSE better than the others, (though still disturbingly lagging far behind) i think you forgot to factor in that funds like IIF and IFN are paying very healthy dividends... even enough to keep me in the green through theses rough times. However, i feel as though lately when BSE rises, iif and ifn stay the same or waffle, and when the BSE falls, the funds fall. This has lead me to cut my investments in indian funds in half... and looking for a reentry point.
I did buy WMT and COP. I analyzed those two here - but my price points were a lot lower than what they are now.
To my knowledge, ICICI, Kotak etc are good avenues.However with matthews or MINDX i have my doubts as to my knowledge fund manager mr. sharat shroff lacks ethics and crediblity. He was unprofeassional during the tenure with stanley.Can't really bank on him
Yeh I agree that Sharat Shroff lacks integrity and crediblity. How can he be a good manager when he is a molester and a scavenger!
God save the people trusting him with their belongings!!
Yeh I agree that Sharat Shroff lacks integrity and crediblity. How can he be a good manager when he is a molester and a scavenger!
God save the people trusting him with their belongings!!
Yeh I agree that Sharat Shroff lacks integrity and crediblity. How can he be a good manager when he is a molester and a scavenger!
God save the people trusting him with their belongings!!
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